plainly and simply parasitical on the obvious or univocal reading

Saturday, July 29, 2006

29 on 29

So yeah, it's my birthday today. The big two-nine. Hmm, don't really have much more to say than that (WHA!!!???).

I've just finished making my final arrangements, which means that yes, I will be in Chicago for Wizard World next weekend. I'll be staying in the city, where the food is better and the drinks cheaper, and making the ridiculous trek out to the airport in the mornings. Should be exciting. Fellow bloggers who are also going are encouraged to get in touch (dlouisjacobson-atsign-yahoo-dotcom).

*Later Edit* Also, this is what I look like (because, y'know, I can never have too many things competing with my background image).


Anonymous said...

denny b

Hey Happy Birthday, but I hate to tell you 29 ain't "big".

I'm 61, like your blog, and believe me, 29 ain't big.

But happy birthday anyway.

100LittleDolls said...

Happy Birthday!

I'll send you an email regarding Wizard World--I'd love to meet up and chat.

Jon Silpayamanant said...

Happy B-day a little late. Sorry--was out of town last night.

DivaLea said...

Happy Belated Birthday!